Have you ever come up with a concept you were afraid to design and patent simply because you are not a manufacturer? This happens all too often because the average layperson doesn’t understand that the ‘inventor’ need not be the ultimate producer! If you have conceived a product that you feel has superior marketing potential, you might be interested in locating a plastics manufacturer to assemble the product for you. It could simply be the housing which is made of plastic or it could be the entire product is synthetic. In either case, you’ll need to know how to choose the right plastics manufacturer. Here is some of what you need to consider.

History and Methods
In recent years, technology has been advancing faster than many of us can keep up with. For this reason, many factories are almost afraid to alter a long history of successful manufacturing by adding new processes and technology into the equation. While you may not be comfortable with a company that simply keeps adding technology as a selling point, there is something to be said for updating machinery that has outlived its lifetime. Some technologies have made it safer and easier to mass produce products at speeds and quality that was never before achievable. Speaking of quality, when looking for the right plastics manufacturer, always ensure that certain products are quality controlled with state-of-the-art liquid particle counting systems. This is especially important for products being used in the food industry where even small discrepancies can render those products unfeasible.
Capacity is another huge consideration. There are many smaller plastics manufacturing companies around the nation, but if you are looking at a largescale job, capacity is important. What kind of machinery do they operate, what is their production capacity and turn around time? Do they have ample staff to handle large products and can they get them to you within the contracted amount of time? Some manufacturers even have multiple locations which enable them to handle larger capacities locally. Even smaller jobs can be held up if a manufacturing company doesn’t have the capacity to pump jobs out quickly, so this is something you will need to research. Looking into that company’s history should give you a good indication of their ability to handle the required capacity.
Location is not as important as it once was, but sometimes it can make all the difference in the world. When it comes to a rush job, for example, it’s important to know that the plastics manufacturer you contract with is close enough to get your shipment to you quickly. It is also important to know the sevenfactors necessary for the manufacturing industrythat are available to that location. Therefore, although you might find a manufacturer with better pricing scales in Europe or Asia, time is of the essence.
No matter what kind of plastic product you need manufactured, it pays to know more about the companies you are considering.Just know that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all plastic manufacturer and some companies simply can’t handle the job you require. Check references, talk in-depth to their production department and if at all possible, tour their facility. Your success depends on the quality of your finished product, so always know what you are getting yourself into before signing a contracted purchase order.